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We pursue financial compensation for workers in the following types of lawsuits:

  • Wrongful Termination from Work 

  • Harassment in the Workplace

  • Sexual Harassment

  • Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

  • Race Discrimination in the Workplace

  • Religious Discrimination in the Workplace

  • LGBTQ Discrimination in the Workplace

  • Unlawful Retaliation

  • Defamation

  • Workers Compensation

  • Unpaid Overtime

  • Meal Break Violations

  • Rest Period Violations

  • Wage Statement Violations

  • Misclassification as Independent Contractor


Federal and state laws exist to protect employee's rights.  Yet every day, employees somewhere in California are illegally discriminated against, sexually harassed, forced to work unpaid overtime or wrongfully fired. 


Illegal biases and discrimination play a role in terminating some groups of employees before others when layoffs become necessary.  This type of discrimination usually happens on the basis of race, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity national origin or age. 


Some employers cut corners to squeeze more work from employees.  An increasing number of employees are finding themselves working longer hours for no additional pay.  This is affecting many types of professional employees, as well as hourly workers.  Employers are misclassifying employees to avoid paying them overtime. They are misclassifying contractors to avoid paying benefits and taxes.  


If you feel you’ve been the victim of unfair employment practices, discrimination, or harassment, in San Diego, NOA Law has the experience and expertise to help you with your case.  Whether a client fears a potential job loss, has been wrongfully terminated, suffered discrimination, harassment or needs a trial attorney in an employment matter, he or she can turn to NOA Law.

Call us at (619) 800-4214 to set up a


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Workers have the right to be treated fairly in the workplace. 

Contact our San Diego Employment Law Firm. 


NOA Law can help you while you are still employed.  We work to preserve your employment when possible, or to get justice for you in court if you have been wrongly fired. You have a right to be treated fairly and paid for your work.   It is important to speak to an experienced employment law attorney as soon as possible if you believe your rights as an employee have been violated. 


San Diego employment discrimination attorney Ahmed has abundant experience practicing in labor and employment law and has dedicated himself to fighting for the rights of the working class.  NOA Law offers a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your case.  

We represent employees in employment law cases dealing with:   Wrongful Termination Employment Discrimination Employee Harassment Fair Employment and Housing Act Americans with Disability Act Civil Rights Acts Workers' Compensation Wage Hour Claims Overtim

A San Diego Employment Law Firm Dedicated to Advocating and Protecting the Rights of Workers.

Join the Fight for Worker's Rights


Disclaimer: Nothing contained in this communication constitutes legal advice, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship of any sort. Information submitted through this website will not be subject to attorney client confidentiality or privilege. The information provided is solely for advertising purposes. Nothing contained in this communication constitutes legal advice as this information is a general outline and may be incomplete. Nadir Osman Ahmed is licensed to practice law in California, and represents clients in Califronia only.

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